Parent's Night Out
Friday, February 12, 2016
Room for 60 in the auditorium and 8 in the nursery
(to qualify for the nursery at least one sibling must be present in the auditorium)
We look forward to welcoming the following audience members . . . On Hold
Bring Your Kids to the Show
At The BURNNIE Show, we need an audience of children for the taping of the TREGGLLUSIONS Live Show segment. Children may be dropped off at Abiding Savior Free Lutheran Church, located at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on 49th and Bahnson Street, at 6:00 p.m. Children are then allowed to be picked up at 9:00.
Parents need to sign release forms to allow children to be filmed for this television program. Children should not be wearing logos or any copyrighted graphics on their clothing. No gum is allowed. It is important to note that we are not able to accept walk-ins dues to the popularity of this event. You MUST pre-register.
Activities for All Ages
Children enjoy a selection of activities, including stations in the gym, watching "BURNNIE" on the big screen, and being filmed as the "audience" for the "TREGGLLUSIONS Live Show" segment.
All ages are invited, with a nursery provided. The nursery is offered if a sibling is present in the auditorium for the taping. The nursery is for ages three and under.
The best way to reserve your spot is to register early. Registration for the next event is open the day after the previous Parent's Night Out event.
Please advise by email at if you are unable to attend after you have pre-registered in order to make these seats available for others.
A "one time only" release form granting permission for television filming of your child is required. Be sure to complete the form at the Parent's Night Out event or print the minor release form below . . . unless you have already filled one out.